Privacy Policy

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European regulation implemented on May 25, 2018, within the European Union. This regulation aims to ensure transparency regarding the use of personal data of website users. The Maison de l’Europe du Val de Marne applies and respects this regulation.

1. Introduction and Definitions

- Site: The website is the subject of this privacy policy.

- Internet User(s): Any visitor to the Site from a computing device.

- User(s): Any individual or legal entity who has completed an online registration form or requested contact via the Site.

- Service(s): All services offered by

- Cookie(s): A small information file sent to the Internet User’s browser and stored on their computing device.

2. Presentation

- Owner: La Maison de l’Europe du Val de Marne

- Creator: La Maison de l’Europe du Val de Marne

- Publication Manager: La Maison de l’Europe du Val de Marne


3. Personal Data Collected

Through the various features implemented on our Site, several data points may be collected, either directly by our Site or through third-party services for which you have previously given your consent (Facebook, Twitter/X, YouTube, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). In all cases, the personal information we use for purposes other than statistical (commercial or marketing) purposes are the information you provide directly to us and are reserved for internal use:

- Title

- First Name

- Last Name

- Company

- Email

- Address

- Phone Number

- Physical Location

- Gender

- Date of Birth

4. Use of Collected Personal Data


When you leave a comment on our website, the data entered in the comment form, as well as your IP address and your browser’s user agent, are collected to help us detect unwanted comments.

4.2. Media

If you are a registered user and upload images to the website, we advise against uploading images containing EXIF data with GPS coordinates. Visitors to your website can download and extract location data from these images.

4.3. Forms

Our Site uses several contact forms, and these forms use the GravityForms extension for WordPress, which stores the data you enter in a database to allow us to respond to a question.

4.4. Subscription Forms

Our Site may submit forms offering content downloads (PDF guides, video guides) and/or subscription to email campaigns (newsletters, content distribution programs). Other personal information may be used, such as your phone number, for SMS campaigns. To ensure that this subscription results from a deliberate choice, our forms clearly state how your data will be used, in the form of a checkbox.

4.5. CRM

We may integrate a CRM-type customer relationship management tool into our Site, which will provide data allowing us to associate tags with your profile and/or analyze your user journey. This information gives us the opportunity to improve and provide relevant content. Personal data stored by our CRM is accessible only to our administrators and is not transferred to third-party partners.

5. Cookies

5.1. Do We Use Cookies?

Yes, cookies allow us to remember information to improve access to our Site and identify regular visitors. Generally, cookies improve the user experience through tracking and targeting of interests. However, this use of cookies is not linked in any way to personally identifiable information on our Site. You have the option to specify your consent for certain data collected and processed when browsing our Site by clicking the button opposite. CNIL provides information on how to more strictly control these cookies.

5.2. What Cookies Allow Us to Do

These cookies allow us to improve navigation by saving configuration preferences (languages, resolution, display, etc.), optimize security by blocking simultaneous access by multiple users attempting to access certain identical content, store personal information related to a form you completed during your registration for one of our services, remember the products and/or services you ordered until the confirmation page of your order, enable caching of pages of our websites or services for faster access to these various pages.

5.3. Comment Cookies

If you leave a comment on our Site, you will be offered to save your name, email address, and website in cookies. This is solely for your convenience, so you do not have to enter this information again if you leave another comment later. These cookies expire after one year.

5.4. Account Cookies

If you have an account and log in to this Site, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain any personal data and will be deleted automatically when you close your browser. When you log in, we will set up several cookies to save your login information and screen preferences. A login cookie's lifespan is two days, while a screen option cookie lasts for a year. If you check “Remember Me,” your login cookie will be kept for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookie will be erased. When you edit or publish a post, an additional cookie will be stored in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the ID of the post you just modified. It expires after one day.

5.5. External Service Cookies

Our Site may deliver certain content through third-party services such as:

- Share buttons (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, etc.)

- Tweet lists (Twitter)

- Photo lists (Instagram, Pinterest, etc.)

- Videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)

These features use third-party cookies directly deposited by these services. When you first visit our site, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. They are only deposited if you accept them. You can configure your preferences at any time by clicking on the button shown above. For more information, we invite you to consult the documentation related to each of these services:

- Google

- Facebook

- Twitter

- LinkedIn

- Snapchat

- Pinterest

- Instagram

In case we missed one of the services used, we suggest typing a query into Google such as “service_name + cookie” (e.g., twitter cookie).

5.6. Audience Statistics Cookies

To analyze navigation and use of our Site, we may use services provided by third-party providers such as Google Analytics, Mix Panel, Amplitude, or HotJar. These providers use cookies to extract information such as the referring URL, the frequency with which you use the services, events related to the service's use, usage data, performance data, and the location from which the application was downloaded. To prevent Google Analytics from collecting information through our Site or other sites, you can use tools as described here. These cookies allow us to obtain the visitor volume of our website and services, such as the number of visits, unique visitors, pages viewed, and information on the use of categories, content visited, and navigation paths taken. Deleting these cookies does not affect browsing our website or using our services. However, refusing these cookies will result in displaying editorial content that is not tailored to your interests and will make troubleshooting issues on our site less effective. Your IP address is also temporarily collected to determine the city from which you are connecting. It is immediately anonymized after use. We cannot, therefore, trace it back to an individual. The personal data collected (cookie identifier) is stored on our site for 24 months. They are not transferred to third parties or used for other purposes. You can choose to refuse cookies and the statistical analysis of your browsing data through the preference manager accessible by the button above. To improve the user experience and the quality of our services, we may use tracking systems attached to a customer relationship management tool (CRM). These tools implement cookies to gather information such as page paths followed, actions performed (clicks, form submission, etc.).

5.7. Advertising Cookies

Our site may use third-party advertising tools that allow us to promote our services on a network of support such as other sites you visit and other applications you use. The ads displayed will depend on various criteria, such as the pages viewed, your age, gender, demographic data, searches, user-generated content, interests, and other information derived from you. To help us place these targeted advertisements on other websites or mobile applications, we use third-party services such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. These services use cookies or other tracking technologies on your computer, mobile phone, or other devices to collect information about your use of the services. We do not have access to the use of cookies or other tracking technologies placed by non-affiliated third-party advertising technologies, ad servers, third-party ad networks, or other non-affiliated third parties on your devices used to access the services, and this policy cannot govern this use. To understand how you can block these services, we recommend reviewing the content on Google's ad settings here, the Network Advertising Initiative, or the Digital Advertising Alliance. Regarding display on your smartphone, each manufacturer provides documentation on how to manage cookie preferences, so we invite you to refer to them. We do not control the links provided above and below to disable targeted advertising or a given company's decision to offer such opt-out mechanisms. We are not responsible for the choices you make when using these options, their availability over time, or their accuracy.

5.8. Configuring Cookies in Your Browser

- Microsoft Internet Explorer

- Google Chrome

- Safari

- Safari iPhone and iPad

- Firefox

- Opera

6. Use and Transmission of Your Personal Data

6.1. Data Retention Periods

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are kept indefinitely.

This allows us to automatically recognize and approve subsequent comments instead of holding them in a moderation queue. For users who register on our Site (if possible), we also store the personal data indicated in their profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except for their username). Site managers can also view and edit this information. Information intended for marketing purposes is kept for up to 3 years, and billing data is kept for up to 6 years.

6.2. Data Retention Periods

If you have an account or have left comments on the Site, you can request a file containing all the personal data we have about you, including those you provided to us. You can also request the deletion of your personal data. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal, or security reasons. To request a correction of your personal data, you can use this form. For any complaint regarding your data, please use the form provided for this purpose.

7. Additional Information

7.1. How We Protect Your Data

To ensure the protection of your data, we use tools that comply with GDPR legislation to the maximum extent possible. We integrate quality plugins into our WordPress solution, supported by a paid offer. We apply the latest security patches to our solution as regularly as possible. To stay up to date on the latest GDPR compliance possibilities, we conduct regular monitoring on this topic.

7.2. Procedures Implemented in the Event of a Data Breach

In case of a major attack that poses risks to your data, we will notify CNIL and you so that you can take the necessary measures.

8. User Rights Information

For any information request, please contact us by filling out the contact form. Users of the Maison de l’Europe du Val de Marne website can:

- Know why your personal data is necessary, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained.

- Access your personal data that we have on file.

- Complete, correct, delete, or block your personal data at any time.

- If you give us your consent for processing your data, you have the right to withdraw that consent and have your personal data deleted.

- Request all your personal data from the data controller and transfer it entirely to another data controller.

- Object to the processing of your data. We will comply unless certain reasons justify this processing.